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Explore Foster Parenting

Why Called to Care is Hosting Lemonade Stands

Called to Care is hosting Lemonade Stands with several important goals in mind:

Raising Funds for the New Emergency Home: We recently acquired a new home dedicated to serving as an emergency placement for foster children. This home will provide a safe and supportive environment for children in need as their next long-term placement is determined. The proceeds from our Lemonade Stands will help cover the costs of setting up and maintaining this vital facility, ensuring it is fully equipped to meet the needs of the children it will serve.

Raising Awareness of Foster Care Needs in Illinois: The Lemonade Stands serve as a platform to educate the community about the urgent needs within the foster care system in Illinois. By engaging with the public, we aim to highlight the challenges faced by foster children and the critical role that emergency placements play in providing stability during times of transition. Increased awareness can lead to more community support and involvement in foster care initiatives.

Supporting Kids Helping Kids: The Lemonade Stands offer a unique opportunity for children to get involved and make a difference. By participating in these fundraising efforts, kids can experience the joy and fulfillment of helping their peers in need. This initiative fosters a sense of empathy, responsibility, and community spirit among young participants, teaching them the value of giving back.

Overall, our Lemonade Stands are more than just a fundraising effort—they are a community-building activity that brings people together to support a common cause. By participating, you are contributing to the well-being of foster children and helping to create a stronger, more informed, and compassionate community.


Seleh Socials

Are you as excited as I am about this news that WE HAVE A HOME? I hope so! What a way to celebrate our 3rd birthday!! 🎉

Scripture says that God can do more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20), and we are praising Him for doing just that. Through a wild set of circumstances (I’ll tell you all the details when we meet up in person), Called to Care has a home in Yorkville, IL. It’s a gorgeous older home that has sat vacant for 7 years, just begging for some TLC. The list of financial needs, repairs, and projects is long, but we are believing and trusting God will provide just as He has always done.

If you have not already toured the home (some have attended a sneak peek), I’d love to invite you to a Selah Social where you can tour the home, hear about the visions, and join in our excitement of what is to come! Below are the July dates for Selah Socials, open house style. I’d love to have you swing by and hear all that God has done and is doing. Oh, and I’ll share with you the meaning behind the name, “Selah Home.” ❤️

- Monday, July 15, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
- Friday, July 19, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
- Friday, July 26, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Monday, July 29, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- Tuesday, July 30, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM